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Do It As Americans
Then and Now: 2012 #6
“Racism” Was Created Because of Economics Not Racial Inferiority
In 1493 Uncovering the New World Columbus Created, stated at page 402: “From the beginning… the negative beliefs weren’t racial in the modern sense-they didn’t invoke an inheritable genetic makeup…Initially the Europeans brought African slaves to this country for economic reasons …they had a higher survival rate from disease than the Europeans or Indian slaves.”
Mr. Mann stated about the Slaves (West Africa): “Biologically speaking, they were fitter, which is another way of saying that in these places they were –loaded words!-genetically superior….Racial theorists of the last century claimed that genetic superiority led to social superiority… Rather than gaining an edge from their biological assets, West Africans saw them converted through greed and callousness into social deficit. Their immunity became a wellspring for their enslavement”
Robert Kagan, in Dangerous Action stated p.189-190. “As John Quincy Adams remarked, ‘Slavery in a moral sense is an evil but as connected with commerce, it has important use.”
Mr. Kagan stated. “There were times in the antebellum years when the South’s cotton-driven economy grew faster than the North’s more diversified economy. Not surprisingly southerners who in the 1780s and ‘90s had been willing to consider and even to welcome the demise of slavery…were by the early nineteenth century more enthusiastic about defending their slave society. Moral qualms were tempered by the rush to exploit the lucrative possibilities of King Cotton.”
Ownership of another person was contrary to the Christian Faith, Common Law, Declaration of Independence and Federal and State Constitutions. To justify their actions and remove guilt, the White Slave Owners created and promoted the claim that African Slaves were genetically inferior, thus to enslave them and their descendants for life was not wrong because they had to be taken care of. The White Slave Owners in the mid 1800’s found further support for their action in the writings of intellectuals like George Fitzhugh, a Southern Lawyer. He wrote in 1854 that Slavery in the South was justified because it relieved the Africans from cruel Slavery in Africa. He wrote: “Slavery is a form, and the very best form of Socialism.” The use of a “Socialism cradle to the grave approach” by the White Slave Owners is still, more than 150 years later, being spoken of by certain Political Leaders as a solution to the lack of “equality” of the Slave’s Descendants.
Do the Political Leaders of today, like the White Slave Owners, have anything to gain by having the Slave’s Descendants Dependent on Them?
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These concepts are developed more fully in the Do It as Americans paper,
“Do It As Americans” (110 page PDF).